Broker is offline

@ccsjoe please confirm the version of the .rpt Inspector Online Broker that you’re running as the one you listed hasn’t been supported for almost 3 years. When you start the .rpt Inspector Online Broker, the version will be listed on the title bar.

How big are each of your Crystal Reports? 100 reports should be added in only a few minutes on most modern systems with a decent internet connection. It can of course take longer if the reports contain saved data. But just so that you’re aware, we never touch the saved data (unless you use the Save without Data tool afer the reports have been added) and don’t need it, so if you have Crystal Reports templates (reports saved without data), it’s always faster and better to use those.

There are two parts to adding your Crystal Reports to .rpt Inspector Online as explained in the
Getting started with .rpt Inspector Online guide. When working correctly, you should see activity in the browser indicating which report it’s working on and how many left. Did you periodically see any change in progress? And if yes, how many reports did it process before the error?

Of course this isn’t normal or expected behavior but it’s hard to guess at the reason(s) behind this error as there can be many so instead we’d like to schedule a screen sharing session to analyze further. Let ms know if that’s something you’d be interested in doing and I’ll forward you details.