Reporting on report differences

Is there a way to Diff 2 of the same reports to find differences in the formulas, texts, positions, etc?

I tried using the Full or Custom Documentation feature, but how do you format the report into something you can run a Compare function on in Word, PDF, or NotePad++

Excited to let you know that the *Compare / DIFF tool was just released. Crystal Reports Compare / DIFF tool now available

Looking forward to your comments.

A Compare / Diff of reports tool is on our roadmap.

But until that feature is built, it may be easier / faster for development to have the full and custom documentation available in a more friendly format (likely as an export) for that so that at least for now you can do the compare / diff yourself.

Can you provide us with a sample of what you’d like it to look like?

Checking in. Will you be able to provide a sample of how you’d like that export text to look for it to be useful for you with an external compare / diff tool?

Initially I’d think it would be a simply formatted text report with heading lines that give the DIFF tools some reference anchor points. The anchors would need to be consistent between different reports (comparing similarly named reports), and between generations (for comparing report revisions).

A PDF formatted report would work, but the PDF diff tools are harder to come by.

An XML formatted report would work for text diff or custom apps, and possibly also facilitate migrating reports from CR to another system.

A basic report would list visible blocks of fields, text and graphics with positioning and attribute info, formulas. A full report would dump all CR report options.

Personally I use NotePad++ compare but recommend another (FOSS) tool to work with your reports.

Thanks, this is helpful.

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Though we’ll officially announce tomorrow, pleased to let you know that you can now do this! :grin:

You can now save the documentation (initially implemented on Full Documentation) in one of 3 formats:

  • PDF
  • Text
  • Word

Of course for your purposes, you’ll want to probably use Text so that it’s easier to compare in the tools you mentioned. We’re working on adding this to the Custom Documentation and with the effort we’re now much closer to having a native diff / compare (hint hint) coming soon. :wink:

Thanks, this will come in handy. I hope there is enough detail in the report to find differences in static text. I know formulas and DB fields are there.

Yes I think you should have all the details you need. Everything you get in the Full Documentation HTML is saved in the 3 different formats.

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How’s this been working out for you?

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Sorry for the slow response. Work on this project is sporatic. I’ll have reason to use this on the next release.