Refresh of reports after edits

If I have a bunch of reports loaded in the main portal page and I perform some small non-structural edits in Crystal Developer, do I need to reload/overwrite the reports or do the tools just use the reports as a list?

Ideally, you should do another Add and select overwrite to ensure that everything is in sync. But as long as you understand that the items you change will be out of sync on what .rpt Inspector Online knows, then no you don’t have to. For example, if you renamed a formula and you go to the documentation tools then the old name will appear. It will be a bigger problem though if you try to edit the formula as when you go to save it, it will be looking for the name it knows.

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@petergruenbeck please be aware of a side effect of making changes to reports (outside of .rpt Inspector Online) that were added to .rpt Inspector Online as noted here (in last paragraph): Another doubling up on ODBC report list

Depending on the sequence, you may or may not encounter that side effect after the bug is resolved in the above link. For example:

  • You make changes to the report outside of .rpt Inspector Online – i.e. change the text of an object or some formatting
  • Then in .rpt Inspector Online you do Change Data Source on the report
  • When you save the change, .rpt Inspector Online will re-calculate the report signature and update the report stored with the new signature
  • You then add the report to .rpt Inspector Online and select overwrite
  • Since the signatures should match, it will replace the existing report information

However if you did this, then you will have two reports since the signatures won’t match:

  • You make changes to the report outside of .rpt Inspector Online – i.e. change the text of an object or some formatting
  • You then add the report to .rpt Inspector Online and select overwrite