Hi. Is there any way to include “Report Custom Functions” in the Full Documentation?
Thanks for the screenshot. Currently the documentation tools don’t include that. Can you send us a sample report that contains custom functions to evaluate?
Also, would you be interested in only having the documentation tools display it or would you be looking to also have the Formula Editor tool support making changes to them (assuming it were possible)?
Assuming it was possible, it would be helpful to change it in the Formula Editor. The use case: We had a bug in a “Report Custom Function” and wanted to know in which reports it was included in. rpt inspector was able to show us which reports use the Custom Function but not which ones it was included in (unused). Next logical step was to correct the Custom Function in all reports it is in .
Whom should I sent the sample to?
Please email it to support. You should have received a direct message with the details.
@cyfpaul we haven’t received sample(s). If you’re still interested, please review your direct message containing details where to send your sample(s).