Version, build, suite type, and edition naming explanation for .rpt Inspector Professional Suite and .rpt Inspector Enterprise Suite

There are several suites in the .rpt Inspector™ brand, with each having multiple editions. This document describes how to understand the difference and naming convention(s) used.


Question: What is a version?
Answer: When a product is released to the public it is given a unique number to identify the release. If this is the first release of the product, it will typically be labeled as 1 (can also be written as 1.00 or 1.0 or 1.0.0 – which all mean the same). A version number can contain one or more elements: Major revision, moderate revision, and minor revision.

Major revision: This is usually the first number (#.x)- a new major revision of a software generally brings significant change, such as a new user interface, lots of bug fixes or added functionality.

Moderate revision: This is usually the second number (x.#), and an increase signals a somewhat noticeable but not necessarily major change.

Minor revision: When minor revision is included in a version number, it is usually either in a number of its own (x.x.#) or together with the moderate revision (x.x#), leading to version numbers like 3.02. The minor revision is also referred to as “point update” or “corrective patch” and are typically a collection of bug fixes, but can contain new feature(s) or can change functionality of existing feature(s).

Question: What is a build?
Answer: A build is usually three- or four-digit, which refers to the revision of the program’s internal code. During the development cycle and/or fix cycle, there may be several builds released to testers and/or QA (Quality Assurance) people before it is felt that the product is ready for public release. Therefore, the build that is listed on a publicly released product refers to the revision of the program’s internal code at the time of release.

Question: What is an edition?
Answer: An edition specifies the version of Crystal Reports and/or BusinessObjects Enterprise and/or Crystal Enterprise that the product has been designed to be used with. This means that you must have that version of Crystal Reports installed on your system prior to installing an edition of .rpt Inspector. You may also need to have a specific service pack installed, so please refer the .rpt Inspector requirements for the edition you’re interested in (links follow below).

There are currently 2 product suites in the .rpt Inspector brand:

  • .rpt Inspector Professional Suite
  • .rpt Inspector Enterprise Suite

.rpt Inspector Professional Suite
Intended for use by those that need to access Crystal Reports which are located on a file system or network share. More information about this product can be found here:

The diagram below shows the naming convention used for this product and how to decode the product name, version, suite type, and edition.

       +-- product name
       |          +-- version
       |          |           +-- suite type
       |          |           |                  +-- edition
       |          |           |                  |
.------V-------. .V. .--------V---------. .------V------.
|.rpt Inspector| |3| |Professional Suite| |(for CR XIr2)|

.rpt Inspector Enterprise Suite
Intended for use by those that need to access Crystal Reports® which are located in an enterprise environment such as BusinessObjects Enterprise or Crystal Enterprise. Because it has all the features of .rpt Inspector Professional Suite, it can also be used to access Crystal Reports on a file system or network share. More information about this product can be found here:

The diagram below shows the naming convention used for this product and how to decode the product name, version, suite type, and edition.

       +-- product name
       |           +-- version
       |           |           +-- suite type
       |           |           |                      +-- edition
       |           |           |                      |
.------V-------. .-V-. .-------V--------. .-----------V-----------.
|.rpt Inspector| |3.1| |Enterprise Suite| |(for BO XIr2 / CR XIr2)|