Unable to load report

Using Broker 0.6.7
I try to load a 8.5 Crystal Reports in Inspector. The first time I choose the reports (each time, I’ve tried at least 20 times), I click ADD, the load Start and the broker disconnect. I re run tne Broker, and I wait… last time for hours, and nothing happen… Is the a workaround ??


Please try to post in the correct product category. You posted this in the .rpt Inspector Professional Suite and from your message, it would appear that you’re actually asking about .rpt Inspector Online.

I try to load a 8.5 Crystal Reports in Inspector. The first time I choose the reports (each time, I’ve tried at least 20 times), I click ADD, the load Start and the broker disconnect.

This is far from normal behavior. If the report doesn’t have any saved data in it it, the broker should open the report and retrieve the objects and properties from it very quickly.

If you can send us a copy of the report without any saved data so that we can try to open it on our side that would be helpful. I’ll send you a direct message with details. And if you can in the mean time also provide details on the following:

.rpt Inspector Online Broker Version:

Please tell us about your environment where the Broker is running:

  • Operating System:
    Windows [7|8|8.1|10]

  • Is this running in a virtual machine:
    Yes / No

    • If answered yes above, which virtual machine environment and version:

Please tell us about your environment where the Web Browser is running:

  • Operating System:
    Windows [7|8|8.1|10]|Linux (distro and version)|OSX 10.x

  • Browser kind and version:
    Firefox XX | Chrome XX

  • Crystal Reports version:
    Crystal Reports [2016 / 14.2.x|2013 / 14.1.x|2011 / 14.0.x|2008 / 12.x.x|XI R2 / 11.5.x|XI / 11.x.x|10.x.x|9.x.x|8.5.x]

@lucchivas please let us know the additional information requested above and send us the report in question per the details that were sent a couple days go in the DM.

@lucchivas as we haven’t heard back from you in a week, we are closing this issue. Should you encounter it again, open a new report and provide the additional details and sample report we requested.