Report date glitch

We have an old point of sale system (qs2000) that uses Crystal reports 7 I believe embedded into it. When attempting to run a report using a date of 20 (it’s yy format) the date is 1920 instead of 2020. I have attempted to locate the user input date range parameter with no avail. Using the inspector I have found CRDB_DAO.DLL as a data source connection, but don’t find that anywhere. I also see that U25DTS.DLL is a date function and I do see that in the crystal file.
Perhaps repairing this is not feasible, but even if we upgrade to a newer system it would be great to have this working until something up and running. Any help appreciated.

@radiodr you posted in our End Of Life desktop tool’s forum (.rpt Inspector Professional Suite). I suspect you used our .rpt Inspector Online tool and mistakenly posted in the wrong forum? Do please let us know so we can move it to the correct forum if that’s the case and get it proper visibility from our community.

The issue you encountered has a lot of similarity to the Y2K bug from years ago which might be affecting your results. It was recently posted that some of the folks around then, took shortcuts in how they “fixed” the Y2K issue which is now the reason that some are seeing this creep in again.

Noted on Wikipedia and news sources:

Some software used a process called date windowing to fix the issue by interpreting years 00-19 as 2000-2019 and 20-99 as 1920-1999. As a result, a new wave of glitches started appearing in 2020, including parking meters in New York City refusing to accept credit cards.

Based on your description, I suspect that you maybe encountering this.